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Memorial Park Bridge Reopens with Ribbon Cutting Celebration

On August 8th, Pottstown Borough held a ribbon cutting event on Veterans Island in Memorial Park to celebrate the completion of the new pedestrian bridge over Manatawny Creek. This project replaced the former bridge that was severely damaged by floodwaters in 2019 which necessitated its closure. Funds for the new bridge came from Montgomery County, PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), the American Rescue Plan Act, the Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation, and the Borough.

The event included many guest speakers including Cindy Adams Dunn, DCNR Secretary, State Representative Joe Ciresi, Montgomery County Commissioners Jamila Winder, Neil Makhija, and Thomas DiBello, Pottstown Borough Council President Dan Weand, and Parks and Recreation Director Michael Lenhart. Mr. Lenhart managed the bridge project from start to finish. Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) was the project's engineering consultant.

At the conclusion of the speakers, the group headed to the new bridge to cut the ribbon and officially open it. The opening of the bridge benefits Borough residents and park visitors by reconnecting the two sides of Memorial Park, increasing accessibility, park function and pedestrian circulation in this area of town.

For more information and to see photos and videos of the Ribbon Cutting event check out this article from The Pottstown Mercury: Ribbon is cut on new pedestrian bridge in Pottstown's Memorial Park (

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