Bike Pottstown/Bike Schuylkill
Bike Pottstown/Bike Schuylkill is a community bike share program that is managed by the Schuylkill River Greenways NHA. The bikes are free and can be used by anyone ages 16 and up. To borrow a bike, you must leave a driver’s license or valid state ID upon checkout. The bike can be ridden for a short time or the entire day, however it must be returned before the loaning office closes for the day. Closing times vary depending on location.
The purpose of Bike Pottstown/Bike Schuylkill is to promote bicycling as a safe, healthy form of physical fitness, exercise and recreation and also to encourage an alternate form of transportation around town. Use Bike Pottstown/Bike Schuylkill bikes to visit a historic site, ride on the Schuylkill River Trail, run an errand, spend time with family and friends, or get out of the office during lunch!
Take It Outdoors
Join TIOA on our home river or on a destination trip to discover a new place to paddle! Our guides love paddling and love showing off their favorite places to paddle. Visit: Take It Outdoors Adventures
Outdoor Activity Finder
PARRC has collaborated with the Pottstown Area Health and Wellness Foundation to provide an interactive web resource of local parks and recreational activities. To access the resource, click the button below: