Borough of Pottstown
Public Arts Project
In 2021 and 2023, the Borough received funding from a private donor to create public art displays in the downtown. PARRC and Borough staff teamed with ArtFusion 19464 and local artists to create murals on signal boxes at intersections around town. By the end of 2024, twelve signal box murals have been completed.
Chestnut Street Park
In 2024, the Borough renovated the existing park with new play equipment and a new ADA accessible walkway.
Memorial Park
Bridge Replacement and Stream Bank Restoration
In 2024. the Borough recently completed construction that replaced the bridge spanning the Manatawny Creek and to restore the banks of the creek that were damaged during the flood of 2019.
Riverfront Park
Bridge Replacement and Stream Bank Restoration
In 2024, the Borough recently completed construction that replaced the bridge spanning the Manatawny Creek and to restore the banks of the creek that were damaged during the flood of 2019.
Memorial Park Playground
In 2021, the Borough relocated and redeveloped the existing playground and added new play equipment, swings, an ADA accessible walkway and parking spaces, landscaping and benches.
Washington West Park
Using grant funding, the Borough replaced the aging play equipment at Washington West Park with new play equipment.
Spruce Street Park
In 2021, the Borough renovated the existing playground and added new play equipment with an ADA accessible walkway. In 2002, the basketball courts were resurfaced.
Potts Drive Park
In summer 2021, the Borough finished the renovations to the existing park playground with an ADA accessible walkway, new swings, resurfacing and benches.