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West Pottsgrove Township Receives $200,000 for Old Timer's Field Improvements

West Pottsgrove Township was recently awarded $200,000 from the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resource's Community Conservation Partnership Program, or C2P2. C2P2 awards grant money as a way to "build connections between citizens and the outdoors by providing funding and technical assistance support for local recreation and park improvement projects." In the case of West Pottsgrove, the funds will be used to make improvements to the township's Old Timer's Field. Old Timer's Field is used for games and practice by the Pottsgrove/Pottstown Little League.

Old Timer's Field

With this money, Old Timer's Field, located at 980 Grosstown Road in Stowe, will redevelop the playing field consisting of stormwater management improvements, new fencing, parking area renovations, and conversion of field lighting and parking area lighting to LED.

In addition to the funds awarded by DCNR for this project, West Pottsgrove also received grants from the MontCo 2040 Implementation Program, PMRPC's Minigrant Program, and the Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation. The funding generously provided by these organizations will improve and expand recreation opportunities for both residents and visitors of West Pottsgrove Township.

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