A new accessible recreation facility is now open in Sanatoga Park, as Lower Pottsgrove continues to make upgrades to the park. The pavilion project received a $22,500 grant from the Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Commission’s Minigrant Program, which is funded by DCNR. The Township provided matching funds for the project.
The project included the construction of a 20-foot by 20-foot picnic pavilion north of the entrance drive off of Sanatoga Road. The project also improves ADA access at the park; the pavilion is designed to be ADA accessible and two new ADA accessible parking spaces were added that will serve the pavilion. The project expands passive recreational opportunities at Sanatoga Park.
Other recently constructed improvements at Sanatoga Park include the installation of new play equipment for two- to five-year-olds south of the amphitheater, which was funded in part by the Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation. Another recent park improvement was the installation of a new park entrance sign funded by the Schuylkill Highlands Minigrant Program.
Together these projects expand active and passive recreational opportunities for residents and visitors and improve the appearance of Sanatoga Park. Be sure to check out the new improvements when you visit the park.
